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Privacy policy

We collect and use the minimum amount of personal information required to send newsletters.

Collected informations: company name, name, email address, position

Collected information will not be used for any purpose other than sending, and will be destroyed immendiately when the service is terminated subscription is cancelled.


Advertising information

We collect and utilize minimal personal information for promotional and marketing purposes.
Collected items include: company name, name, email address, and job title. The information collected will not be used for purposes other than sending communications and will be promptly destroyed upon service termination or unsubscribe. * There are no additional disadvantages due to disagreement with this policy, and even if you do not agree, you can download the PDF document.


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If you wish to receive promotional information, please provide some details.

  • Company

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Job title

Privacy policy

We collect and use the minimum amount of personal information required to send newsletters.

Collected informations: company name, name, email address, position

Collected information will not be used for any purpose other than sending, and will be destroyed immendiately when the service is terminated subscription is cancelled.


Advertising information

We collect and utilize minimal personal information for promotional and marketing purposes.
Collected items include: company name, name, email address, and job title. The information collected will not be used for purposes other than sending communications and will be promptly destroyed upon service termination or unsubscribe. * There are no additional disadvantages due to disagreement with this policy, and even if you do not agree, you can download the PDF document.


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광고성 정보 수신을 원하는 경우 몇가지 정보를 입력해주세요.

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개인정보 수집 및 이용

뉴스레터 발송을 위한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 이용합니다.
수집 항목: 회사명, 이름, 이메일 주소, 직급
수집된 정보는 발송 외 다른 목적으로 이용되지 않으며, 서비스가 종료되거나 구독을 해지할 경우 즉시 파괴됩니다.


광고성 정보 수신

수집 목적 : 홍보⠂마케팅 목적을 위한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 이용합니다.
수집 항목 : 회사명, 이름, 이메일 주소, 직급
보유 기간 : 수집된 정보는 발송 외 다른 목적으로 이용되지 않으며, 서비스가 종료되거나 구독을 해지할 경우 즉시 파기됩니다.
* 본 항목 미동의로 인한 별도의 불이익은 없으며, 동의하지 않더라도 자료 다운로드는 가능합니다.


Inquiry for Service

  • Name*

  • Email Address*

  • Inquiry*

Privacy policy

We collect and use the minimum amount of personal
information to process and respond to customer inquiries.

Inforamtion Purpose Period
Name, Email Processing and replying
to customer inquiries
1 year from the date of receipt of inquiries

광고성 정보 수신

광고 및 제휴 콘텐츠, 프로모션, 이벤트 정보 등의 광고성 정보를 수신합니다.
(주)인피닛블록의 뉴스레터 서비스는 광고성 정보가 포함된 이메일과 포함되지 않은 이메일을 따로 발송할 수 없어 '광고성 정보 수신 동의'를 하지 않을 경우 뉴스레터 서비스를 이용할 수 없습니다.
광고가 포함된 이메일은 메일 제목에 '(광고)'를 넣어 발송합니다.


팝업레이어 알림

Pioneering the Future of
Finance in the Digital Asset Era

  • KARBON custody

    Digital asset custody service

  • MPC Wallet

    Separate key storage wallet service

  • staking

    A service that allows you to receive compensation
    for digital assets through the POS method


Infiniteblock Selected for the Seoul R&D Fintech Technology Commercialization Support Program!


InfiniteBlock participates as a supporting partner in the "XRPL Hackathon Seoul 2024"!


InfiniteBlock has been selected as a recipient of the IP Narae support program in 2024!


Infiniteblock has been selected as an 'Outstanding Venture Company of 2024'!


Infiniteblock Secures Professional Liability Insurance for Virtual Asset Service Providers!


Infiniteblock Custody, now supports XRPL!


InfiniteBlock Registers Two Patents for Token Securities Custody!


Infiniteblock Launches B2B Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS)!


Infinieblock Achieves Three Additional ISO Information Security Certifications!


Infiniteblock, selected for the Startup Package program overseen by the Seoul Creative Economy Innovation Center!


Infiniteblock Joins as XRP Ledger Validator!


Infiniteblock, selected as a team building support company by the Seoul Business Agency!


Infiniteblock, Selected for the FinTech Cube Program Organized by the Korea FinTech Support Center!


Infiniteblock, first virtual asset business to acquire ISMS certification!


Infiniteblock CEO Appointed as the Inaugural Chairman of the Digital Asset Infrastructure Council Under the Korea Fintech Industry Association!


Infiniteblock, Completed Registration of 3 Patents for Digital Asset Custody!


Infiniteblock-CryptoTax, Corporate Custody Partnership Agreement!


Infiniteblock-Elysia, Partnership Signed to Activate RWA and Custody


Infiniteblock Secures Patent for AI-Based Anomaly Detection System in Trading!


Infiniteblock, KDB Next One 8th Company Selection!


Infiniteblock Achieves International Standard Certification ISO 9001!


인피닛블록, 여가부 가족친화인증 기업 선정!


Infiniteblock registers 4 patents for blockchain business model!


Infiniteblock, ‘2023 Next G-STAR ROUND’ Grand Prize


Infiniteblock won the Financial Security Institute Director Award at the 3rd Korea Smart Finance Awards!


Infiniteblock signs partnership with ‘High Five Labs’, a blockchain distributed encryption company


Infiniteblock selected as one of the ‘Core 100 Companies’ by the Seoul Investment Office!


Infiniteblock signs a business agreement with Korea University's Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation for technology commercialization


Infiniteblock, selected as 'TIPS' by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups!


Infiniteblock won the ‘2023 Startup Techblaze’ Excellence Award


Infiniteblock opens ‘Ethereum Staking’, a custody service exclusively for corporations


Infiniteblock selected as ‘Little Penguin’ by Credit Guarantee Fund


Infiniteblock selected as ‘2023 FinTech Overseas Expansion Support Project’!


Infiniteblock, Acquired ISO27001 international standard certification for information security management


Infiniteblock, completed the acceptance of Virtual Asset Service Provider(VASP) !


Infiniteblock Receives Support for Large-Scale Investment and Environmental Assistance from the Korea Internet Promotion Agency.


Infiniteblock, selected for 'NIPA blockchain consulting support program'


Infiniteblock to develop 'MPC' based blockchain wallet with Korea University


Infiniteblock(CEO : Jung Gu-tae) and Korea University Blockchain Security Research Center... "Security technology joint research"


Infiniteblock acquired ‘Excellent Job Invention Compensation Company’ certification


Acquired major service certifications

The Financial Services Commission's VASP registration, along with acquiring key domestic and
international personal information and information security management certifications, ensures the safe protection of customer assets.

  • VASP(Virtual asset service providers) must complete a business registration process with the Financial Services Commission in Korea to engage in virtual asset business activities under the Certain Financial Transaction Information Act.

    [Validity Period]
    2023-08-07 ~ 2026-08-06
  • It is a system where a series of measures and activities for information protection are deemed suitable for certification standards, as attested by the Korea Internet & Security Agency

    [Validity Period]
    2024-03-06 ~ 2027-03-05
    [Certification Scope]
    Operation of virtual asset custody services
  • It is the most prestigious international certification for information security and a global standard for information security management systems.

    [Validity Period]
    2023-03-02 ~ 2026-03-01
  • It is an international standard that assesses and recognizes whether compliance policies and risk management systems that may occur in overall management are in line with global standards and are effectively operated.

    [Validity Period]
    2023-05-17 ~ 2026-05-16
  • ISO 9001 certification is a system whereby a third party objectively certifies that the realization system of a product or service meets the specified requirements and is effectively operated.

    [Validity Period]
    2024-01-22 ~ 2027-01-21
Acquired corporate certifications

We are committed to creating a creative working environment through the balance of home and work by acquiring various corporate certifications.

  • This system certifies small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that exemplary implement job invention compensation as "Excellent Companies for Job Invention Compensation" and provides incentives for government-supported project participation to certified companies.
    (Korean Intellectual Property Office Announcement No. 2021-1)

  • The family-friendly certification is a system that grants certification through evaluation to companies and public institutions that exemplary operate family-friendly policies.

  • Q.

    How do I sign up for a custody service membership?

    At the moment, we only accept registrations from corporations, organizations, and institutions. Please use the 'Contact Us' section to provide your desired service details and contact info, and we'll respond promptly.
  • Q.

    What is the Customer Verification System, and is it mandatory?

    The Customer Verification System, as outlined in Article 5-2 of the Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information, is applicable to all financial institutions, including virtual asset service providers. If we are unable to verify a customer or if a transaction is deemed suspicious, access to our services may be limited.
  • Q.

    How does the Customer Verification System work?

    For our corporate and institutional clients, we mainly verify through receiving documents and face-to-face checks. Additional verification might be requested periodically or on an as-needed basis.
  • Q.

    What's the Travel Rule?

    Per the Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information, the Travel Rule requires the mandatory sharing of sender and receiver details during virtual asset transfers. This rule will be enforced for all virtual asset businesses starting March 25, 2022.
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