We collect and use the minimum amount of personal
information to process and respond to customer inquiries.
Inforamtion | Purpose | Period |
Name, Email | Processing and replying to customer inquiries |
1 year from the date of receipt of inquiries |
광고 및 제휴 콘텐츠, 프로모션, 이벤트 정보 등의 광고성 정보를 수신합니다.
(주)인피닛블록의 뉴스레터 서비스는 광고성 정보가 포함된 이메일과 포함되지 않은 이메일을 따로 발송할 수 없어 '광고성 정보 수신 동의'를 하지 않을 경우 뉴스레터 서비스를 이용할 수 없습니다.
광고가 포함된 이메일은 메일 제목에 '(광고)'를 넣어 발송합니다.
Infiniteblock firmly believes in the future envisioned by blockchain technology.
Beneath the innovative layers of endlessly created blocks, the infrastructure of
Infiniteblock will serve as the bedrock of trust.
The monumental journey begins with the KARBON custody.
Infiniteblock staunchly believes in the future shaped by blockchain.
Under the vast innovations of ever-expanding blocks,
the digital asset infrastructure built and offered by
Infiniteblock will be the cornerstone of trust."
Starting with the digital asset custody service 'KARBON', we aim to create the premier digital asset finance platform that understands and caters to corporate needs better than anyone else.
We offer infrastructure at the level of banks and securities firms, ensuring thorough information protection, compliance, and an AML (Anti-Money Laundering) system in line with ISMS (Information Security Management System) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards.
Prominent domestic banks and securities firms are shareholders of Infiniteblock, enhancing our credibility as a financial platform and enabling the creation of diverse synergistic effects.
All team members of InfinitBlock, who understand finance better than anyone and are passionate about blockchain,
major career
CEO, Co-founder
Strategic Planning for Blockchain Join Venture Digital Finance New Business Strategy Planning for Commercial Banks Planning and Operation for Large-scale E-commerce Online and Offline New Business Master's Degree in Financial Engineering, Ph.D. in Blockchain Engineering Author of 'Wealth in the New Era: Digital Assets Are Comingmajor career
COO, Co-founder
Blockchain Business Development, NH Nonghyup Bank Blockchain New Business Planning & Operation, Parameta(Iconloop) Digital Marketing, DB Insurance Currently enrolled in a combined Master's and Doctorate program in Environmental Finance, Yonsei University Master's in Public Administration, Korea Universitymajor career
CTO, Co-founder
Overseeing the Technical Development of Digital Asset Management Platform Overseeing Business Operations for Fractional Investment Firm Overseeing NFT Marketplace Business Leading the Technical Development of Alternative Investment Asset Price Analysis Platform Ph.D. in EngineeringBachelor's in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University